The Parametrix Cloud Stochastic Catalogue model "Cloud-in-a-Box" facilitates better informed management of the capital the re/insurers have allocated to catastrophes and accumulations of cloud outage risk, and allows realistic disaster scenarios and relevant dependency modelling and structures to be run. This new paper from Parametrix focuses on parametric cloud outage ILS structures and includes the following:
Key Benefits to ILS Investors
We detail the prime attractions of cloud outage risk transactions to investors in traditional and securitised re/insurance instruments. These include:
- transparency and objectivity of the trigger mechanism
- alignment with the cloud vendor to contain outages quickly
- the short tail of the transaction leading to limited collateral trapping
- the precision of peril definition, and
- the diversification benefits of assuming cloud outage risk
This new paper from Parametrix focuses on parametric cloud outage ILS structures and includes the following: